Figure 5. Approved specializations
1.Artificial Intelligence
a.CS 221**
b.At least four of: CS 223A, 224M, 224N, 224S, 224U, 224W, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231A
c.Sufficient depth units from category (b) and the following: CS 205A, 222, 225A, 225B, 227B, 228T, 229A, 229T, 231B, 235, 246, 262, 270, 173 or 273A, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 294A*, 321, 327A, 328, 329, 331A, 331B, 334A or EE 364A, 341, 345, 362, 364A, 364B, 374, 377*, 379*, 393*, 395*, 399*; AppPhys 293; BIOE 332; Elect. Eng. 263, 364B, 376A; Engr. 205, 209A; Man. Sci. 251, 252, 351, 352, 353; Psych. 202, 205; Stat. 202, 315A, 315B
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a), (b), and (c) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in AI need to take five total courses satisfying the area (a) and (b) requirements above. Students waiving out of CS221 may take an additional course in either area (b) or (c).
a.At least four of the following: CS 262, 270, 272, 173 or 273A, 274, 278, 279
b.Sufficient depth units from category (a) and the following: CS 228, 229, 229A, 245, 246, 261, 265, 268, 275, 277, 341, 345, 346, 362, 374, 393*, 395*, 399*; AppPhys 293; BIOC 218; BIOE 332: Gene 203, 211; SBIO 228
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a) and (b) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in Biocomputation need to take five total courses. Three of those courses must come from area (a) and the remaining two courses may come from either area (a) or (b).
3.Computer and Network Security
a.Each of the following: CS 140**, 144**, 155, 244, 255
b.At least three of the following: CS 142, 240, 241, 244B, 244C, 259, 261, 265, 340, 344, 355
c.Sufficient additional units selected from (b) and the following: CS 240E, 244E, 245, 294S*, 295, 341, 344B, 345, 347, 361A, 393*, 395*, 399*; EE 384A, 384C, 384M, 384S, 384X
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a), (b), and (c) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in Computer and Network Security need to take five courses. Those courses must satisfy the area (a) requirement and additional courses from area (b) should be taken if any area
(a) requirements are waived.
a.CS 147**
b.One of: CS 247, 294H
c.One of: CS 376, 378, 448B
d.One of: CS 124, 142, 148
e.One of: CS 303; Psych 110, 252, 254; Comm 206, 268; Soc 257
f.One of: ArtStudio 160; ME 203, 216A, 377; any course
g.One or more courses from areas (b) through (f), or the following: Art Studio 260; CS 224N, 224W, 229, 229A, 242, 246, 248, 295, 341, 393*, 395*, 399*, 402, 476A or any class listed at, or any HCI class listed at; such courses must be numbered 100 or above and be taken for at least 3 units to count for this requirement.
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area
Students with a secondary concentration in
5.Information Management and Analytics
a.CS 145**
b.At least four of: CS 224N, 224W, 229, 245, 246, 276, 345, 346, 347
c.Sufficient depth units from category (b) and the following: CS 224S, 224U, 228, 228T, 229A, 229T, 231A, 240, 242, 243, 244, 244B, 244C, 249A, 249B, 255, 262, 270, 271, 272, 173 or 273A, 274, 275, 279, 315A or 316, 321, 341, 344, 362, 364B, 374, 393*, 395*, 399*; STAT 315A, 315B
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a), (b), and (c) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in Information Management and Analytics need to take 5 total courses satisfying the area (a) and (b) requirements above. Students waiving out of CS 145 may take an additional course in either area (b) or (c).
6.Mobile and Internet Computing
a.Two of: CS 140**, 144, 244
b.One of: CS 142, 147, 247
c.One of: CS 155, 255
d.CS 294S (for
e.Sufficient additional units selected from categories (a) through (d) and the following: CS 224W, 244E, 246, 344, 344E, 364A, 376, 393*, 395*, 399*; EE 359, 384A, 384B, 384C, 384E, 384M, 384S; COMM 268; PSYCH 252
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a) through (e) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in Mobile and Internet Computing need to take 5 total courses satisfying the area (a) through (d) requirements above. Students waiving out of an area (a) requirement should take an additional course from areas (a) through (c).
a.At least three of the following: CS 148, 223A, 231A, 248
b.At least three of the following: CS 205A, 205B, 226, 249A, 249B, 262, 268, 277, 348A, 348B, 374; CME 302, 306, 326
c.Sufficient additional units selected from categories (a), (b), and the following: CS 225A, 225B, 228, 229, 229A, 232 or EE 368, 235, 247, 270, 271, 272, 173 or 273A, 274, 294A*, 327A, 328, 331A, 331B, 393*, 395*, 399*, 448, 478
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a), (b), and (c) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in
8.Software Theory
a.Each of the following: CS 242, 243
b.At least one of the following: CS 244, 245, 295, 341, 343, 345
c.At least one of the following: CS 255, 261, 265, 267, 268, 355, 361A, 361B, 367
d.At least three additional courses from (b), (c), or the following: CS 241, 258, 259, 294S*, 346, 362, 393*, 395*, 399*
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area
(a) through (d) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in Software Theory need to take 5 total courses satisfying the area
(a) through (c) requirements above (i.e., two courses in area (a) and at least three more courses from areas (b) and (c) which must include at least one course from area (b) and at least one course from area (c)).
a.Each of the following: CS 140**, 144**, 240, 242
b.At least three of the following: CS 243, 244, 245, 248, 348B; EE 271, 282
c.Sufficient additional units selected from category (b) and the following: CS 240E, 240H, 244B, 244C, 244E, 246, 249A, 249B, 255, 259, 262, 270, 271, 272, 276, 294S*, 295, 315A or 316, 315B, 340, 341, 343, 344, 344B, 345, 346, 347, 348A, 349, 374, 448, 393*, 395*, 399*, 478; EE 273, 382A, 382C, 384A, 384B, 384C, 384M, 384S, 384X
Students with a 27 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a), (b), and (c) requirements above.
Students with a 21 unit depth option need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area (a) and (b) requirements above, and additional courses may be taken from area (c) if any courses in the area (a) requirement are waived.
Students with a secondary concentration in Systems need to take five courses. Those courses must satisfy the area (a) requirement and additional courses may be taken from area (b).
10.Theoretical Computer Science
a.CS 261 (361A or 361B may be used as substitutes for 261)
b.Sufficient additional units selected from: CS 228, 241, 246, 254, 255, 258, 259, 262, 265, 267, 268, 334A or EE 368, 341, 345, 355, 357, 358, 359*, 361A, 361B, 362, 364A, 364B, 366, 367, 369*, 374, 393*, 395*, 399*, 468*; Man Sci & Eng 310
Note: Multiple CS359, CS369, and/or CS468 courses may be taken as long as they are each on different topics (denoted by different suffixes for the courses).
Students with a 27 or 21 unit depth option simply need to take that many units subject to satisfying the area
(a) and (b) requirements above.
Students with a secondary concentration in this area need to take 5 total courses satisfying the area (a) and (b) requirements above (i.e., one course in area (a) and four courses in area (b)).
* With consent of advisor.
**Students with equivalent course work may waive with the approval of their advisor.